Ooooh, memories......
I just about wrote the book on how to constructively kill some time. Since I was the only bro-man hangin' with the sistas, i'd start my time right before I took the group out. You know, offering the magazines in front of the KH to passerby or witnessing to dead roadkill on the side of the road.
Once we got to the territory, you drop the sistas off and just ride around for a good 20 minutes to survey the land, make sure peeps were working the right doors, catch that nice DJ mix on the radio. Got out of car go up to home (where you know no one's home) and stand at the door for 10 minutes to make sure you're giving that potential sheep every opportunity to hear the good news.
In between doors, complement sister so-and-so on that god-ugly hat she's wearing, linger in convo, get in the car, go to the next street, drive down the street, check out that vicious looking poodle chained to the fence at the end of the block, go back and warn friends not to work the home of the vicious looking poodle chained to the fence, ride around some more, park, listen to that slammin' song that just came on the radio while looking like I'm prepping my service bag, get out of car, go up to house, press doorbell in gingerly (where it looks like you're pressing it, but in reality barely touching it), wait 10 minutes come off of door, end of territory, suggest bible studies and R.V.'s to group, go to lunch at McDonald's......
I really didn't learn the art of riding around the territory to kill time until I really started working with a lotta the elders early in my pioneer career. You can just ride all around and talk about anything AND COUNT THE TIME.......